Transmute is a project created by Marilena in 2017. Marilena is an architect and a designer.
After having worked on several architectural projects, she felt the need to experiment with a more physical, tactile medium to apply her design concepts. During the process of making ceramics, she found out that she had found the perfect combination of many fields she is interested in.
The design of a ceramic piece has the same principles of architectural design, as in both cases one must find the optimal use of materials to create a vessel both functional and pleasing to the user. To experience and assess the piece, one must use his/her senses, and especially touch, to understand the weight and the texture of a form. The final look of a specific ceramic form can change dramatically, depending on the way the designer will decide to decorate it, glaze it, fire it. This part has the greater space for experimentation, as a small tweak in the method or the ingredients can have wildly unpredictable results.
The materials used during the ceramic production change states, react with each other and form new materials, transmuting from individual parts into a new whole. So after combining tactile matter with physical work, mental thought and pure chance, here is the showcase of Transmute ceramics.